Into the Valley

To leap, or to handcuff myself to this city? That has been my question for a couple of months now. Ever since I quit my job to follow my dreams – somethings came up and I convinced myself that I needed to take care of them before I moved on.

I’ve always loved the idea of Canada and I thought maybe that’s where I would go first. Followed by Africa, Europe, Japan and maybe my beloved America (everyone knows of my love-hate relationship with that country)

The longer I’ve had to wait, however, the more the voices of those convinced I’m making a mistake haunts me. At 23, I am to work at my career, date with the purpose of finding someone to spend the rest of my life with, dream of making big money and running a happy family so that by the time I drive through to the other side of the twenties, I’d be more stable.

The truth is that I want none of that. I didn’t need alcohol to reach that conclusion, just the time I’ve had to myself, staying home, taking care of my grandma. I want adventure, I want to travel, see the world, crack a joke or two even if at my expense just to bring a li’l cheer and delight into someone else’s life. Show them that its okay to play in the rain and feel the sand between their toes. That it really isn’t that scary or forbidden. Isn’t that what life is all about?

And then I start to panic because what if life is not what I imagine it could be. What the people are whispering constantly in my ears about love and life is all there is? I know I have the right to make my own mistakes – I’d like nothing better. I guess I just need someone to tell me that it’s okay to jump off the edge without knowing if I’d land in a splat or fly.

My parents, friends and peers all think I’m wasting my time at home instead of taking up one of the many job offers I’ve received in the past new months. I don’t know how to explain that I need to find a new place where I can start from scratch. A place where the people at the bar recognize you and when they serve you peanut masala they always know to serve it with the lime wedges cause you like it that way. A place where I can take out my guitar and strum while listening to melancholy songs because music is the only strength you have left. A place where I can finally let myself connect with a complete stranger without my emergency systems shutting me down. I need to believe that I am strong enough and will, sometime in the future be able to do all this. My faith that it all eventually works out, however irrational it is, has to pay off, right? Right?

I finally called the African embassy today. By October, I’ll be gone.

6 Comments Add yours

  1. kiran says:

    Whoooa! that is an awesome looking blog…. cheers sis. and great writing.


    1. cupitonians says:

      Hahaha! Thank you my psycho sibling! 🙂


  2. Shruti says:

    I so associate with this post.I am 22.Twenties is such a bitch.sigh.

    Good luck!


    1. cupitonians says:

      So far, it seems like it. Thank you so much! 🙂


  3. risha; says:

    You know what I’m going to tell you is going to make me seem like a hypocrite, keeping in mind my little meltdown post-Vietnam.

    But here’s the thing: if this is what you want to do, then do it. A plan of action, the steps to do it.. and yes, jump in feet first. I know you. A plan is a plan is a plan. And it’ll work.

    If it doesn’t, you’ll figure out a new way to get where you want to be. You will. You always have.

    Here’s the thing about our mini twitter convo: I know what I want, I have my plan: my career, my ambition. It’s all consuming. It’s what I want. I lost sight of that, confused myself, started to talk myself out of it.

    That is not you. There is more to life than that- and more importantly? The life they speak of, that is not your dream. So please, don’t do that to yourself. Don’t lose sight.

    I’m glad you called the African Embassy. I didn’t realise they had one for the entire continent. 😉 (Sorry, you know the copyedit feature in me doesn’t really die.)


    1. cupitonians says:

      You know, this is why you’re my partner in crime. I can always count on you for a bonk on the head and you explain things with such clarity that makes me wonder what I was being dramatic about in the first place. 😉 Oh, and I said African embassy cause I didn’t want the whole world knowing where in Africa I was going 😉 LOL. I love the copy edit feature you come with!


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