You know you’re Indian when… (Part 1)

So we’re not exactly your typical Indian family, that much has always been clear. But when Lex came to visit, it gave me the chance to look at our lives from his English eyes and because of that perspective I was able to see how thick the green, white and saffron (not orange obviously) flows in our blood.  Google “Ways to tell if you’re Indian” and it’ll tell you, you need to sound like this guy

Thank you. Come again.

While we fail in this area (except when dad says things like arse-tralia, ocation instead of vocation and naa-dull instead of Nadal), there is actually a growing list of what makes us Indian.

1 – Long, emotional goodbyes:


We have a lot of trouble letting go. Even an old mug that leaks is only replaced after paying our respects to it. And when you’re travelling, even if it only to your aunt’s house in another city, you can only leave if there are over 5 people to see you off and receive you when you come back whether you are travelling by bus, train or flight.

2 – We never throw anything away:

Yes, we eat that much Chinese!

Broken china, Pepsi bottles and take away containers included. Perhaps it’s an unwritten rule that you never throw away anything that is gifted or that has been of really good use but no matter how much I have tried to get my extended family to either re-cycle or throw away their old stuff, including buying them new and fancier crockery, they only get put in those infamous show cases.

3- Our house is a shrine:

Like all Indians, we have a “showcase” bang in the middle of our living and dining rooms filled with things that we don’t need, never use and those that keep you up at night with their stares. And since we’re catholic, most of the presents we receive which are then hoarded makes it feel like we could kill Damien Omen even before he enters our house.

See? I wasn't kidding.

I better put all these back before mum either hunts me down with her rolling pin or sets her cobras on me! 😉

13 Comments Add yours

  1. Sangitha says:

    Hee, hee! Indian alright. 😀


    1. cupitonians says:

      Now I’m curious. What don’t you throw out?


  2. Sangitha says:

    Broken mugs, old t-shirts (that are some 15 years old or older)….paper junk from decades ago….


    1. cupitonians says:

      Old t-shirts and jeans – can’t ever give them away.


  3. Addie says:

    Can’t wait for part 2!


    1. cupitonians says:

      Thank you SO much Addie ❤ YAY!


  4. Sathya says:

    waiting for the part 2….A good Middle for DH!


    1. cupitonians says:

      Thank you aunty. You think so? That is the best compliment so fa! 🙂


  5. I have long wished to visit India and your amusing post makes me wishe to go even more. It is interesting how the attitudes of English and Indian people differ as regards throwing things away. With my old clothes which no longer fit me, I take them to the local Mind charity shop which raises money for people who have mental health problems. Do you have charity shops in India incidentally?


    1. cupitonians says:

      We don’t really have charity shops since basic necessities – clothes and food are really cheap. You could walk into a store and walk out with new everything for about 3 quid – that’s shoes, shirt, skirt/trousers. What we do sometimes is donate our clothes to NGOs working with people from vulnerable backgrounds. They give away the clothes to those who need it but at no cost. Also, you must come to India. It’s worth the experience.


  6. Lol … Being an Indian I totally after with the list !!!! ESP about not throwing away anything !!!!


    1. cupitonians says:

      Hahaha. Same pinch, no back pinch 😉


      1. 😉😉 so true!!! We can’t let anything go!! I had a hearty laugh looking at the picture of the containers and broken but workable mugs!!!!


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