Universal Languages – Travel Tuesdays

Amidst the concrete jungle that is the heart of Kuala Lumpur, you often find lush green gardens and parks that you could stroll in for ages. Quite like magic, sometimes you happen upon cool lakes and fountains in which you can rest your sore feet. This is an amazing place to not just get away from the noise and restlessness of corporate Malaysia but to find yourself in the middle of vibrant stories.

The garden just behind the Petronas Towers

Like of old men who walk slowly but with purpose with their canes and backs bent without a care in the world. They have little bags under their armpits – old, faded, leather. Sitting on one of the benches of the park near a water fountain, I observed how the whole park was dotted with similar looking old men.


Eventually they made their way to these unique benches and took out their priced treasures from their leather satchels – well used chess pieces and begin some of the most entertaining matches I’ve ever laid eyes on.

Sometimes, there are languages that transcends words – the li’l grunts on frustration or victory, the fist bumps, folding your hand over your chest and the most impressive of all, the toothless grin. These are universal and wherever I go, I keep my eyes peeled for them. They tell the best stories.


Read more of my adventures abroad here – a story about my first time in Europe and the things I had to teach myself! : )

31 Comments Add yours

  1. TBM says:

    I love watching people–I’m sorry I missed the chess. I hope to visit KL later this year and I can’t wait.


    1. cupitonians says:

      Usually each country has a favourite sport but in some corners, I always seem to walk in on very exciting Chess matches. They seem to be universally loved.


      1. Are there any fish in that pond? 🙂


        1. cupitonians says:

          Yes, very beautiful Japanese Koi (carp) and probably some others in the deep.


          1. Well, I was hoping for catfish, so I could eat what I catch:)


  2. Sydney Fong says:

    Chess table made in timber, is good, unlike the concrete one in my country, is less maintenance but more cold! 😦


    1. cupitonians says:

      Yes! They were really amazing though!


  3. Thanks for subscribing. Delighted to find you.


    1. cupitonians says:

      I felt the same way going through your blog! 🙂


  4. erassima says:

    What a contrast!


    1. cupitonians says:

      It’s the contrast that made it so much more beautiful. Don’t you think?


  5. beautiful story! I love the photos!! 🙂


    1. cupitonians says:

      Thanks Ashley 🙂


  6. Chef Randall says:

    Great story telling. Your descriptive use of words gets you involved. It’s nice when they can put a park with a lake in a big city such as the photo you placed in your post.

    Thanks for sharing. Keep bring Us more. 🙂

    Chef Randall


    1. cupitonians says:

      Thank you so much Randall! That means a lot! It is lovely to find pockets of green in an increasingly concrete world!


  7. Welcome to my blog and thank you for your decision to follow it permanently.
    Already there are close to a thousand pictures to enjoy and there will be more coming!


    1. cupitonians says:

      Thank you. I love them already! 🙂


  8. Love Malaysia. I’ve been to that garden.


    1. cupitonians says:

      Did you have the same experience?


  9. terrytrekker says:

    Looks almost like New York, park benches, chess tables and all!


    1. cupitonians says:

      Is it really like that? Must be lovely!


  10. vladovbg says:

    Good post 🙂


  11. richcross13 says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog and liking my post!


  12. colonialist says:

    A vital green lung, very well planned and maintained from the look of it.


    1. cupitonians says:

      It really was.


  13. Thanks a lot for following my blog!


  14. Patinspire says:

    Love the pond, seems like a place that I can sit and write!


    1. cupitonians says:

      It’s beautiful. Inspires words for sure!


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