Tea and Cake or Death!

30 Day Writing Challenge

Dear Tea,

I know I’ve struggled with you in the past, especially during my binge coffee drinking days where I made faces at you and called you a pathetic excuse for a beverage. How did you sneak into my life and become my sense of peace? I know I don’t say it enough but your perfect brew is what holds me together when I’m struggling.

Navigating Bangalore’s traffic is no mean task and I’m stressed out when I reach work and my body is in knots. You untangle me with such ease and skill that before long, I’m chirping along like a Disney Princess in love with the world. When I’m stuck with a work problem, I take time to listen to your calming notes and then the problem isn’t a problem anymore. And when I’m home after a long day, you are the perfect way to unwind. I never sleep as well as I do when I have my rendez-vous with you.

Doddles about Tea

I am like a teenager with a serious crush. The pages of every notebook could look like this. Honest. How can you possibly expect me to feel any less? I love you, I love you, I LOVE you!

Marry me?


22 Comments Add yours

  1. andy1076 says:

    wow! how can anyone possibly say no after that 🙂


  2. andy1076 says:

    *raises a cup of tea*! 😀


      1. andy1076 says:

        *clink*! 🙂


  3. Dugutigui says:

    I could say many things about this wonderful post. Instead I’m making myself a cup of tee 🙂


    1. cupitonians says:

      CHEERS! Tea for president!


  4. WillieSun says:

    Hahaha, this reminds me of my love letter to cheesecake. I’m not a coffee drinker but I do love a good cup of tea. Bestfriendboy and me always drink tea when we meet, it has become like a ritual to us.


    1. cupitonians says:

      Tea is stuff of rituals. For me it started in Tanzania when my travel buddy and I would brew a cuppa and sit outside, watching the moon rise. I got home and started drinking tea every night. Now the whole family does it! Maybe I should rename this post Tea & Cheescake! 😀


  5. seeker says:

    I like mine mild and black… cake for chaser. 😆


      1. seeker says:

        plain is good, thank you.


  6. IM Sirius says:

    I only started drinking tea in my late 20s, after a friend gave me a gift box. My favorites are Earl Grey, Irish Breakfast, and Peppermint. I use entirely too much sugar in peppermint tea, but it transforms it in to a cup of liquid candy cane!


    1. cupitonians says:

      Damn it! Now I’m craving Peppermint Tea. Liquid Candy Cane is such a good image! What’s the difference between the English and Irish Breakfast?


      1. IM Sirius says:

        I guess I’d say that Irish Breakfast is a bit stronger? I know the mix of black tea is different. I think Irish is more one kind of tea, Assam, and English is more of a mix of several including Assam. But don’t quote me. I’m not a tea expert. I just like drinking the stuff. 🙂


        1. cupitonians says:

          Hey. 10 Billion points for learning something new. I didn’t even know there was an Irish Breakfast. I’m going to have to add this to my tea bucket list! Thank you!


  7. colonialist says:

    Tea-riffic! Nothing like a sewthing broo!


    1. cupitonians says:

      That made me giggle!


  8. For some reason, I have a craving for tea now. 😉 I’m in the mood for some organic tea. We actually can get it for free at work here, so off I go!


    1. cupitonians says:

      Glad I can spread the love! Cheers!


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