Picture Perfect

Ever since I can remember, my dad always had a camera in hand. I can only imagine it was his way of capturing a moments he believed were important. Memory is fickle, after all. But it’s also the only real “hobby” I’ve seen him truly get into. His life has just been work, work, work. Even now, in his retirement days, he’s working more than ever. But, there’s still a camera in his hand.

We weren’t allowed anywhere near the cameras – film was expensive, my parents weren’t THAT well off. Instead, I constantly looked at the world as if I were taking a photo. I don’t think that habit ever stopped. These days, I’m starting to feel like maybe I want to take up his hobby as a way to continue on his legacy but also practice it in a way that’s true to me.

There’s a lot of thought that goes into what you honour and adopt when your parents age before your very eyes. Like with adopting the practice of handwriting heartfelt messages on cards (I got that from my momma), I think this is what I’d want to carry forward from my dad.

Something to ponder over.

Meanwhile here’s a photo I took on my phone yesterday.

Send me a postcard

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