
Who Am I?

I am a digital nomad who has lived and worked in 7 countries (and counting, I hope). I started this blog when I was an impressionable teenager with a dream to write, even if the path to being a writer was not open to me at the time.

After a stint in the non-profit sector, I finally built up the courage to swap careers because I was full to bursting with the urge to draw pictures with words. I am now an established digital communications and marketing manager helping people and projects all over the world tell their stories.

Every now and then, I’ll remember that I have something to say as well. This blog is that platform. Expect everything from listicles to rants to just photos with no context.

Let’s hang out

Why Labyrinths?

My life has taken me on roads that I never thought I’d ever walk. Some roads I roam for days and days trying to find the next turn, the next great adventure on the way to what is meant to be my “path”. At some junctions, I have to take a u-turn and start all over again. In some by-lanes,  I have to sit against the tar and hope for inspiration to hit me.

Sometimes, the most ridiculous things fuel me on and what you see here are mostly rants spewed thanks to an incredibly shocking number of phases I go through as a 30 something-year-old trying to navigate through the labyrinth they call life. Thank you for bearing with all of the nonsense and half baked plots I put on screen. This journey is so much more magical with you helping me turn the pages.

What Is A Cupitonian?

Long story short, when I was 11, I made up a planet where words were unnecessary. Thoughts would be transported as magical waves into gadgets people wore all the time. That way there would be nothing lost in translation. A slightly bizarre desire for someone who loved stories with a deep, unshakeable passion. The planet was called Cupitonia, and its inhabitants – cupitonians. And I, just one of its citizens.

32 Comments Add yours

  1. Hi, nice to meet you !


  2. Lauren says:

    I like the roads you travel. They make for the most amazing experiences :*


  3. My path started with an interest in something, which lead to another, which lead to another. A persons life is made up of many paths all woven into one. So I have a deep and often off the map path that my love’s expression follows, I have a profound spiritual path, I have a strong and persistent ethical path when it comes to relating to others… and all these paths started with a simple inner passion, something that sparked the first step. Always choose that, that makes you happy… that that feeds your soul.
    May the path you follow, be lit with blissful blessings…


  4. Jessica says:

    Have I mentioned that I *really* like this?


  5. Roshni says:

    I’m in love with your writing style… 🙂 Great blog.


  6. Prasad says:

    You have an interesting blog running here. Loved some of your write-ups. Its very subtle . I guess I will be hanging around here a lot. 🙂


  7. Your prologue itself is catching attention…
    Loved your blog 🙂 Its simple, yet descriptive



  8. limbiley says:

    Great blog spent very long time on it catch up look forward to more keep it up.


  9. shunpwrites says:

    What a pleasure to have stumbled upon your blog! I look forward to doing a deep dive into it!


  10. belsbror says:

    Hi! I nominated you for the Semper Fidelis award. Please get the badge at and get more info. Have a peaceful day. Blessings, belsbror.


  11. I fucking love your blog, from your sense of humor to your style of presenting your opinions and stuff. I just thought I would tell you that I am 5 posts in and will continue onward


  12. cupitonians says:

    Thank you so much Gene’O. Obviously I feel the same way about your blog! Thank you so much for stopping by! Minotaurs are cool! As is our shared love of Tolkien!


  13. I don’t exactly remember how I came here to your blog, but now I feel like I don’t want to leave! You have such an awesome blog and I am so glad I came here 😀


    1. cupitonians says:

      Thank you so much Keerthi! You flatter me! Glad you found me though!


  14. cherylfoston says:

    Nice blog. I wish you the best on your life journey. Thank you, for reading my blog.


    1. cupitonians says:

      Thank you so much Cheryl!


  15. cameranomad says:

    Interesting blog. Like to read travel stories and your blog is wonderful. Hope to read more soon


    1. cupitonians says:

      Thank you so much! ❤


  16. cupitonians says:

    Mmmmmmmmmmm Carrots!


  17. Your blog is so interesting! Pretty & unique! ‘Can’t wait to read some more of your upcoming posts! 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. cupitonians says:

      Thank you so much. You have quite the way with words as well! 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  18. Julie says:

    Hi! I stumbled upon your blog about Boleskine house. I had a very strange thing happen to me near there. Two summers ago I did the hike that goes from Foyers, along loch ness to Inverfarig and then up the other side of the highway and along the ridge and back down to Foyers. At the time I had never heard of Boleskine House and didnt even know there was a house not far off of the trail. I was alone and I hiked the part along the lake first. The whole time I only saw three groups of people. When I got to Inverfarig I crossed the street and started the hike up to the ridge. It went up a ways and into a thick part of the woods. It had probably been about an hour maybe since the car park. I was in a thick part of the woods and just walking and suddenly I hear someone distinctly call my name. I am from the States…. I didnt know anyone anywhere near there. I stopped and briefly thought to myself…who the hell would I know out here and quickly came to the conclusion-no one. I turned around and saw-no one…nothing….nada. I looked around full circle and there was no one there. This freaked me out pretty bad and I almost ran out of there until I got to a clearance. I was too embarrassed to tell anyone as I couldnt explain it…so I didnt until I met a guy that lives sort of near there. I told him what happened and he asked me to explain exactly where I was and when I did he said he knew why and then told me about this house. When I went back and looked at the map and figured where I was, it was probably the closest the trail gets to the house. It still creeps me out to this day and I thought I would search online to see if anyone else has had weird experiences there and I found your blog. Just thought you might be interested. Thanks for writing, I like your stories.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. cupitonians says:

      That gave me the goosebumps. Really scary!


  19. Samjoth says:

    Hey hi 🙂
    Nice to meet you !!


  20. Hey! You have a lovely blog 🙂 Keep writing, Best of luck to you! ❤


    1. cupitonians says:

      Thank you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  21. JC says:

    Thank you for your visit and for liking my post, ‘6:00 AM and ‘My Favorite Book Challange’. I love your blog design, it makes me want to hit the road. I am looking forward to reading your post. So I will follow you. It’s good to meet you!


  22. marjma2014 says:

    I’m a great lover of travel, and so you’re blog caught my eye. Looking forward to reading your posts and discovering more about you and your blog. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. cupitonians says:

      Thank you so much!

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Jin says:

    Sorry to post it here, because I can’t find your email.
    I’m Jin and I’m currently looking for bloggers to collaborate with our company.
    I came across your blog and feel interested in it!
    I would like to invite you to collaborate with us.
    We could further discuss this via email (
    or please give me your email and I’ll contact you.



    1. cupitonians says:

      Hi Jin, you can email me at labyrinthiroamatgmaildotcom 🙂


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