Reality Vs Writing Goals

I promise my absence isn’t due to my procrastination. Here is a list of excuses reasons why my writing has been benched.

1. My baby sister is pregnant (due in October). She came to visit us for a month in India during her 6th-7th month which, of course, was the harbinger of a tsunami of nightmares and worries. I wouldn’t even let her climb up to our first floor room because NO. Just, no!

2. I visited my boyfriend in England and also attended the wedding of his little brother. Weddings make me nervous. Especially big weddings with fancy cars and a bride and groom that look like they could be on the cover of a top fashion magazine. Fortunately, I survived without making too big a fool of myself and the alcohol stocks weren’t overly diminished. There was a side effect though – words ran away from me.

Ben and Mwila
Proof of the Magazine Cover Claim. Source? Stolen off their Facebook!

3. I had the most perfect holiday in the world. My phone didn’t work and I visited some of the most gorgeous places in the coast. For our anniversary, he rented a little cabin that was just so romantic, I started crying and he thought he had broken me. Aah good times!

I learnt I don’t deal very well with romance!

4. Despite the fact that he lives with this view – I will take a moment to show you this view so you can feel my pain –

Damn you perfection! Damn to hell!

– the world has a rule that if you live in the 3rd world, it’s going to be near impossible to be with your boyfriend. I just don’t have the right passport. I imagined I would do a 2nd Masters degree in England but their asking rate £20,000 (not a typo).  That’s  £13, 000 for the course and  £7000 you have to show in your bank account so the government knows you can manage on your own. I applied for about a billion scholarships which all went to more worthwhile students of theatre or well, engineering!  So what is the actual price of living in England, you may ask? One year in England = 20 grand + a student loan at 15% interest per annum + a debt you have to pay for the rest of your working life. Bravo!

5. Gutted but not yet close enough to giving up (These silly youth people and their nonsense resilience!), we decided that we would try somewhere neutral. Maybe teach English in Asia somewhere. Thailand, China, Vietnam. The possibilities were endless. So we started making plans only to find that my passport can’t find me a teaching job because “Asians don’t want other Asians teaching their kids!”. Even if I did have the right qualifications and years of English teaching experience in India and Tanzania, a high school drop out who says should of instead of should’ve gets the job. It isn’t fair but that’s how the world works right now.

Not to fret dear folk, I’m not one to give up that easily (Pssst, anyone hiring a writer in Bangkok? I’m good. I promise!).  I noticed a trend in my writing – apparently all my life’s troubles happen around the time of monsoon – July – September and then I suddenly find my words again! I feel it starting to come back again. I have this amazing story about a haunted bar and time travel and sword play. I’m hoping the words will sniff out the nectar in that story and stick.

Until next time, big hugs!

46 Comments Add yours

  1. chisbingred says:

    Boo to unfair world rules! Take Michael’s job offer!


    1. cupitonians says:

      I was just replying to your email when I got called away for lunch! I might just take him up on the offer! 😀


  2. belsbror says:

    Well, hello! Great to see you back!!! 😀


    1. cupitonians says:

      Hello! I’m only just reading your posts. 1 down, 133 to go! So, prepare for ‘like’ spam? Hope you are well!


      1. belsbror says:

        No haste, Miss! Take your sweet time. Blogging has no deadlines like I used to say. 😀
        Welcome back to the Blogverse!


        1. cupitonians says:

          Not sure if it’s a ‘back with a bang’ scenario but I’m definitely going to make efforts! Thank you for your warm welcome.


          1. belsbror says:

            Keep the posts coming whenever you are ready! 😀


            1. cupitonians says:

              ❤ Thank you so much!


  3. JayM says:

    Good to hear from you!


  4. Welcome back! Sorry to hear about your passport issues… As far as I know, it’s an awful lot cheaper to do your Masters in Italy, if that helps!?


    1. cupitonians says:

      Thank you so much Richard! I think I may have to seriously consider it 😀


  5. It was good to read you again. You struck a good balance between good news/bad news and seem to come through with your sense of humor intact. Bravo!


    1. cupitonians says:

      Hey Norm! Thank you. How are you?


      1. I’m doing well, thank you. I was sorry to read about your passport problems. I hope you find a workable solution soon. Other than that, are you doing well?


        1. cupitonians says:

          I am doing quite good actually. I’m replying to your mail as we speak!


  6. mark says:

    Yeahhh!!!! I don’t usually do the big welcome back thing but what the hell, you’re worth it…. WELCOME BACK!!!!
    Sorry about England, I’ll see if I can put a good word in for you.


    1. cupitonians says:

      You’re the bestest of the best Mark! Thank you! BIG HUGS!


  7. Welcome back. We missed you around here. Maybe you ought to consider other places. The US or Canada come to mind.


    1. cupitonians says:

      Thank you. Canada has been on my list since I was a wee baby. However, I might do something rash and go on a big adventure to the middle of nowhere?


      1. I’ve been there a few times. They have lots of nowhere without a soul in sight.


        1. cupitonians says:

          Really? Sounds sort of perfect! How have you been?


          1. Life is good. Still working on my self publishing journey and blogging.


  8. Congratulations on your sister’s pregnancy. It certainly sounds as though you had a wonderful time here in the UK (I hope the weather was good although Britain wouldn’t be Britain without the rain)! I’m really sorry to hear about the problems you are having trying to study here, I hope you manage to sort something out. Good luck!


    1. cupitonians says:

      The weather was brilliant the whole time I was there. In fact, being the Indian that I am I wanted to hide away from all the sun! Aah well!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Baldeep Kaur says:

    I am sure you will find a way to get what you want. 🙂


    1. cupitonians says:

      You’re the best Baldeep! Thank you so much!


  10. Cody McCullough says:

    Oh those pesky reasons that always get in the way of writing. I have quite a few of my own….


    1. cupitonians says:

      Oooh, I would love to hear this list!


  11. Pecora Nera says:

    Welcome back, and a big raspberry to stupid rules. As Richard said, come to Italy


    1. cupitonians says:

      Haha. A big raspberry! Can I steal that phrase?


      1. Pecora Nera says:

        Of course you can, I stole it from somebody. happy Ferragosto


        1. cupitonians says:

          Oh dear! I forgot about the Holy Mother of God! How did you celebrate?


          1. Pecora Nera says:

            With a glass of wine of course


  12. ShethP says:

    Ahhh… Good to have you back. 🙂 Though everyone needs a real break every once in a while. Hope (I’m pretty sure) you had a good time! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ShethP says:

      Oh and I wouldn’t worry about settling down. Life has a way of making you work your butt off before it gives you anything worthwhile but Mr.Life is bound to have a soft spot for you. He’ll give in easily. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. cupitonians says:

        That really is encouraging.


  13. These pix are so awesome you’re excused LOL. Gotta live your life off the blog. =)

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Kev says:

    Beautiful pics!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. WillieSun says:

    I know I’m hella late but how is the Pea? And the baby should be here by now, is it?

    That view is gorgeous and I’m happy the boy is still in your life though it sucks you can’t do a Masters in England. Those pesky tuition fees! Ugh!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. cupitonians says:

      She’s good. Impatient because the baby is due any time now. No longer devastated about the England plan because he’s moving here. How have you been?


      1. WillieSun says:

        I have been good, traveling some, meeting people, you know 🙂
        Well, it’s good he is coming to live with you. For how long or indefinitely? Also, when?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. cupitonians says:

          He has a one way ticket so I suppose until we plan other trips, he’s here. I’m all caught up with your posts now so I’m glad I’m not totally out of what’s happening with you! YAY!


          1. WillieSun says:

            That’s cool and I’m happy for you 🙂

            Hehe, I noticed the comment rain on my blog, that was nice 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

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