For some odd reason, F.R.I.E.N.D.S is really big in India. It came out on TV when I was in highschool which meant that we would watch it when the parents were asleep because OMG, kissing scenes. But it’s just one of those shows whose catchphrases have stuck with you even after all these years.

Case in point, sometimes I go running in the morning with Broseph. Today he did something like this –

He overtook me with a "That's not running. LET'S GOOOOO!". Erm, thanks Phoebe!
He overtook me with a “That’s not running. LET’S GOOOOO!”. Erm, thanks Phoebe!

But then I realised that these are somewhat worldwide.

I was in Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania) getting ice cream when I heard the nasly “OH.MY.GOD”. I nearly dropped my ice cream when the other person said “Oh hi Janice!”
I was in Inverness on the eve of Rockness 2013 and we were all jamming the good old jams – Beatles, Clapton and as the night wore on, a million renditions of Smelly Cat!
Broseph and I walked around, sometimes the whole day, in Malaysia. We’d work up monster appetites and when we sat down to eat, we’d always get interrupted by some tourist or the other, talking non-stop about their adventures. Till one of those days, Broseph really lost it and actually said “That’s a great story. Can I eat it?”
Men (and a few women) have actually tired to pick me up with Joey’s classic “How you doin’?”
When we were in school, and mind you, this is a catholic school, we’d do the Ross Gellar hand curse when we really wanted to get a certain point across
The number of times my male and female friends have used the “We were on a break” excuse, phew!

And lastly, I had a really intense conversation with Broseph last night. It went something like this!


Have you ever walked into situations where F.R.I.E.N.D.S references were being used? Or has Breaking Bad taken over the Empire Business these days?

62 Comments Add yours

  1. There was, of course no cursing at the Catholic school I attended in Liverpool I and the other pupils where as pure as the driven snow. Indeed we where veritable angels. My halo shines ever brighter, sometimes it’s light blinds me. Thanks for the post and have a great Tuesday. My day is just beginning, Kevin


    1. cupitonians says:

      Haha. Angels. Yes. You and me, both! Good morning 🙂


  2. I love Friends! Gabe (my husband) and I have recently started watching it all over again so this blog has perfect timing! I’ve done the hand thing that Ross does, and I’m sure I’ve said some other things but I just woke up so my brain’s not cooperating.


    1. cupitonians says:

      Haha. How about the way Chandler says “Could you be …. anymore (insert phrase here)?” I love friends! Which episode is your favourite?


      1. The two that immediately popped into mind are the one where Monica and Chandler’s relationship became public (“they don’t know that we know they know we know”), and the one where Ross and Rachel got married in Vegas. I’m sure as I rewatch the series I’ll remember others 🙂


        1. cupitonians says:

          Haha. Those are epic. Especially when Chandler and Phoebe have their seduction-off battle!


          1. YES! “I just thought you were doing it; I didn’t know you were in love!”


  3. paranoiasnfm says:



  4. Ha ha haaaaa! This is so COOL! 😀


    1. cupitonians says:

      Thank you! 🙂


  5. Kev says:

    I loved watching friends when I lived in the states.


    1. cupitonians says:

      Who is your favourite character?


        1. cupitonians says:

          😉 How you doin’?


  6. Pecora Nera says:

    I miss friends, I have never seen it in Italy, I don’t think it would be so funny dubbed.


    1. cupitonians says:

      Hahahaha. Just the thought of it being in any other language is HILARIOUS. I’m off to google and see if they’re dubbed in any Indian language.


  7. Mr. Melendez says:

    This was always one of my favorite shows. Thanks for reminding me!


    1. cupitonians says:

      Who is your favourite character?


      1. Mr. Melendez says:

        The guys were definitely funnier than the girls. Among them I would have to say Ross. I sympathized more with him, although chandler was funnier. Which was yours?


        1. cupitonians says:

          Chandler – same reasons. He was funny and I could relate.


  8. Emilio Pasquale says:

    I miss Rachel the most.


    1. cupitonians says:

      All the boys loved her


  9. Ha ha, I love the thought of people all over the world using those catchphrases. My wife knows pretty much every line from every episode and always says the punchline about 3 seconds early. Aarrgghh!


    1. cupitonians says:

      Haha. I love how universal some things are. Hilarious! Maybe your little angel will soon learn the lines too!


      1. I dread her first words being a line from Friends… it’s bound to happen though!!


        1. cupitonians says:

          For the sake of your peace of mind, Ross’s child’s first word is “dada”


          1. I shall amaze my wife with that fact later… thanks!! I think Bee’s will be “we were on a break!”


            1. cupitonians says:

              Hahaha! Aww Bee!


  10. As a New Yorker, I never got friends. I watched a couple of episodes but never really got it. I felt old reading this lol


    1. cupitonians says:

      Haha. I think it’s something only non new yorkers can understand because we don’t know the realities of your day to day life. Therefore it’s much more digestible!


      1. Nice point ! You’re quite perspicacious. Did you like Seinfeld ?


        1. cupitonians says:

          Now THAT is a word I haven’t heard since my last Literature class in 2007! I do like Seinfield. Do you?


          1. Yea it was fucking awesome. It was one of my favorite shows. I recently started watching Curb Your Enthusiasm very funny to me at least. Ive thought often of writing on the side, specifically comedy writing. I went to the Colbert Report last year it was amazing.


            1. cupitonians says:

              Haha. Curb your enthusiasm is fantastic as well. I always imagine writing shows like that would require some sort of elusive genius!


              1. I think it takes at least two people dedicated to it who have an eye and are dedicated to the process. You have the eye though its finely attuned to irony and chagrin. I like the angles you approach etc.


                1. cupitonians says:

                  Haha. I try – the key word being ‘try’ but I don’t think it’s my forte. You, on the other hand, should definitely keep going at it!


                  1. Thanks man at some point we should collaborate on a series show the world how its done


  11. Tom M says:

    Barely anyone remembers “Seinfeld” … I’m getting old.


    1. cupitonians says:

      SEINFIELD! ❤ You're not THAT old!


      1. Tom M says:

        HA – Thanks! The concept of age is always a relative benchmark. I think physically I’m not that old – however, I’m losing it per mass media culture/knowledge. I see folks on the cover of People Magazine all the time I have no idea who they are … it’s all good!

        BTW you have a pretty creative perspective which you effectively convey through your blog – life is never dull when viewed through the proper lens!


        1. cupitonians says:

          Haha. Tom, I did an online test recently (cause I was bored) which tells you what your mental age is and they said I’m 60 cause I’m so out of touch with what;s happening. I don’t think age should be measured in how in touch you are with trends. It really should be about how old you feel!

          Thank you so much for your kind words, it means a lot to me. You are one of the many good lenses I like to use to view life so thank you for that! 🙂


          1. Tom M says:

            “good lense” – cause I’m OLD :-P!


  12. Reblogged this on Ace Worldwide Goods & Services and commented:
    #AceMediaReviews says used to watch friends thought it was really good #cupitonians


  13. Himani B says:

    haha the besttttt 😀 thank you for the reminder 🙂


    1. cupitonians says:

      Glad you enjoyed it!


  14. crazyguyinthailand says:

    I love friends 🙂 🙂


    1. cupitonians says:

      Who’s your favourite character?


      1. crazyguyinthailand says:

        Very good question hmm. Joey Tribbiani Phoebe Buffay. yours? 🙂


        1. cupitonians says:

          Chandler for his sense of humour I think!


          1. crazyguyinthailand says:

            You know. TV-show with only one of the Characters wouldn’t be so funny. its they all combined that makes it the best 🙂


            1. cupitonians says:

              I agree with you wholeheartedly. Did you every watch ‘Joey’, the spin off series?


  15. ShethP says:

    Joey and Phoebe ❤ Though, I must say that all characters are very lovable. 😀 Love this post!


    1. cupitonians says:

      Hey Seth, how’s it going? Everyone seems to love them! They are amazing. But I love the way all the characters play off each other!


  16. WillieSun says:

    OMG, I love FRIENDS. I started watching it sometime in high school as well and I still love it. Bestfriendboy and I use the Ross Gellar fuck off hand sign way too often and Oh. My. GOOOHD. I’m pretty sure FRIENDS is the show I have seen most often in my live and I regret none of it. Now that I know you’re a fellow FRIENDS lover, I missed a prime opportunity to quote the show with you last year.

    Also, I had to scroll such a long way down to finally reach the end of your comments, way to go girl!


    1. cupitonians says:

      Hahaha! Shows how popular it is. And here I thought I was the only crazy one! And don’t worry, we’ll meet again just to quote these things. Maybe on a couch in some obscure coffee shop. That’d be sooo good!


      1. WillieSun says:

        Yes, that would be awesome! And I agree, we are so going to meet again 🙂


        1. cupitonians says:

          2014? YES! MAKE IT HAPPEN! 😀


  17. Yes, that’s the funny thing…Friends is still big in India! I watched it when I was in high school too, and my friends in college still watch it…
    I think its still airing……
    Friends references are everywhere! I was actually kind of flattered when a friend said that I’m like Phoebe 😛 Lol. I loved how weird and utterly random she was 😛


    1. cupitonians says:

      Haha. She is pretty fantastic!


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